A one-of-a-kind manga and anime series. Countries around the world like America and Germany are personified as human characters. Taking place during the World War-era, the characters take different sides, the Axis Powers and the Allied Forces. A unique look at the World War happenings.

 Italy: A bright and entergetic nation, but very cowardly. He has a knack for getting in trouble and always counts on Germany to bail him out. Can't tie his shoes so Germany does it for him. A member of the Axis Powers.

 Germany: A member of the Axis Powers, he's hard worker with a love of rules. Loves training and being strict, despite this he had formed a very close relationship with Italy and is always saving Italy from danger. 

 Japan: The final member of the Axis Powers. Tends to be quiet and is very serious, needs time to adjust to other people. 

 America: A member of the Allied Forces. Very entergetic and loves sticking his noes into other peoples business, has great physical strength and courage.

 England: He is also a member of the Allied forces, has terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth and large eyebrows. He can't hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy drunk. He and America get into alot of fights. 

 France: A member of the Allied Forces, he and England are rivals and loves to argue with him over trival topics. France is often seen holding a rose.

China: One of the oldest nations, he does not trust Russia. China is a huge fan of Hello Kitty and is a member of the Allied Forces.

 Russia: The last member of the Allied Forces. Russia has a kind and gentle face, but has mentally cracked from the strain of his bloody history. He likes to stalk the other nations.

Axis Power Hetalia Videos 

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